Your Health is in Your Very Own Hands

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New Class Offered at MJC

Activating Healing Energy With Touch Technique

Saturday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sessions 1 & 2 starting March 22, 2014 at Modesto Junior College

This class offered at Modesto Junior College introduces you to practical and proven Touch Techniques to support personal health. Dr. Roberta Anderson will explore with students several healing modalities and acupressure (acupuncture without needles) treatment patterns. Roberta will discuss how to have meaningful conversations with your physician and/or health care provider, resulting in improved mental and emotional wellbeing. She will demonstrate the application of her touch techniques and will encourage students to participate in the activities. There will be comfortable seating for those who prefer to be seated while participating. This class is specifically designed as a supplement to traditional health care. A one hour break for lunch.

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