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Friends in DEEDS:
101+Ways to Help a Friend in Need

Christine Magnussen with Kelley Giaramita, RN

Friendds in Deeds Last year after my sister Christine's husband died of cancer I felt an unexpected nudge awaken me to co-author my sister’s book. My intention in this project was to guide our friends, including healthcare professionals, to address the following questions and more:

With good intentions we want to both offer and accept help from our friends, but unfortunately we can get stuck with a limited, isolating definition of “help.” In Friends in DEEDS the term “help” is explored and includes the inspiring perspective of Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen’s definition of “serving” others. By simply adjusting our “helping” or “fixing” tendencies to that of serving and seeing each other as whole, we can empower each other during the most difficult times. With your intention to be of service, instead of “fixing” your friend, you can more easily offer your services from our comprehensive checklist that can be either filled-out together with a friend or on your own. Some of the “Acts of Service” checklists include:

Both caregiver and friend in need can also benefit from the self-care section. In addition, the inspirational quotes, mandalas & support constellation provide fun and a brighter look at life as you envision the support that surrounds you.

Both Christine and Kelley pull from their medical experience and precious moments of being with their clients as harp therapy practitioners. Their shared training from the International Harp Therapy Program has added to their sensitivity about how to serve others who are in need. It is a privilege to share this guidebook with you, and to spread it throughout the world as a part of a movement toward intentional care for both others and self.

I encourage you to see the videos and other tips on how to serve your friends in need at

Contact information:

Kelley can be contacted at

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